The Problem
The hitherto in series connected single valves for cooling had to be replaced and maintainedfrequently since the cooling medium had often been contaminated by particles and naturalingredients. The valves clog rapidly. Moreover, the use of single valves had the disadvantage thateach valve had to be tubed individually.
The Solution
which RSG developed from their Ventilutions Modular System were coaxial valves mounted onto avalve bank. The decisive advantage: The switching operation takes place almost without any frictionand without differential pressure. Therefore, such a valve offers significantly better sealing results. Itsdurability increases up to several million switching operations. The first requirement set by thecustomer, i.e. to reduce maintenance intervals and likewise operating costs, was thus met.
Only 40 msec per switching operation
Additionally, the coaxial valves convince by speed. They only need 40 msec (DN10) to open or close.This in turn makes them more productive and more efficient than classic valves and that with anextremely high repeat accuracy over the entire service life.
Flexibly extendable valve panel saves space
The space problem, however, remained which RSG solved with a valve block. The modularconstruction of the valve block allows for arrangement in confined space since the tubes havealready been integrated into the block. As the individual modules are srewed at an angle, the valveblock can be extended easily. This also works with different requirements for the individual valve.
Thanks to the Ventilutions Modular System, components, such as pressure switches, angle seatvalves and pressure relief valves can also be added.
Determine the flow direction
Even the flow direction can be varied by the engineers. There are no limits to possbile ways ofcombination. Anything between 0 and 100 bars is possible.
The question remains, however, where those characteristics are needed? A classical application isthe distribution of an operating medium to different users. Then different media can be collectedwithin a line. For this reason, the flow direction can simply be reversed.
With very high seal requirements or repeated arrangements in a production line, RSG manufacturesthe valve blocks from one piece upon customer’s request. This reduces maintenance and inspectionefforts even further.