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Refrigeration valves according to Offenwanger principle

In the constant search for new challenges, we became aware of the market of refrigeration technology already in 2019. When …

In the constant search for new challenges, we became aware of the market of refrigeration technology already in 2019. When developing the market we came across company Offenwanger GmbH and were particularly impressed by the ingenious design principle of the Offenwanger valves. Mutual trust but above all our enthusiasm for this product has led us to become Offenwanger’s official sales partner on the market.

Unfortunately, company Offenwanger was subjected to economic difficulties caused by the corona pandemic and finally had to file for insolvency.

This initially resulted in the collapse of supply chains and dramatic delivery arrears to our customers. In this difficult situation we managed to re-activate the collapsed supply chain in close collaboration with the insolvency administrator and serving our global customers as best we could.

An expert report commissioned by the insolvency administration, however, came to the conclusion that selling the company assets of Offenwanger GmbH was unavoidable. In this case, we were able to successfully assert ourselves against international interested parties and acquired all rights, licenses and assets of Offenwanger GmbH. As a result of this purchase our company is solely entitled to produce and sell valves according to the Offenwanger principle.

Out of respect for the forefather of this valve, Mr. Wolfgang Offenwanger, we will market, maintain and further develop said valves for the refrigeration industry under the proprietary trademark PriWo (Principle Wolfgang Offenwanger). As we have almost 40 years of valve experience and based on our existing infrastructure we are definitely ideally suited for this task.

Today, we are proud to say that in just a few weeks we have not only succeeded in integrating a new product with all its facets into our ERP system and into our production processes, but have also succeeded in almost working off the delivery arrears accumulated over the past few months. We herewith would like to take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks to both our customers and suppliers for their understanding and great support during these turbulent times.

Very special thanks also go to all our employees who have performed almost superhumanly during this time.
We are glad about the new business field and with cooperative partnerships with all those for whom it has to be the original.

We are PriWO

For further information, please feel free to contact us.

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Refrigeration valves according to Offenwanger principle

In the constant search for new challenges, we became aware of the market of refrigeration technology already in 2019. When …

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